Level 3 of Childhood Chaos.

Level 1-> Colby Mitchell

Level 2 -> Isabelle Strauch

Level 3 -> Kirsten Favreau


Childhood Chaos is a tower defense game about a kid and his imagination. In this world that he made up in his room, the government is out to get him and his stuffies. To protect them he must place turrets from his room on a path to stop and defeat the enemies.


Defeat all the enemies before they infiltrate your base.


Point your cursor where you want to place a turret and push F1, F2, F3, or F4.

F1 -> Level 1 turret

F2  -> Level 2 turret

F3 -> Level 3 turret

F4 -> Level 4 turret

Best played in Fullscreen. 

When three enemies get past you lose the game.

You win by defeating the boss. 


Shared  ->  There are four different types of turrets that have their own perks.

Individual  - > The cursor is a (giant) paper airplane. 

Post Processing  ->  I used ambient occlusion, bloom, and color grading to give the level a more eerie and whimsical feel. 

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